Rebrand support

We have experience with full rebrands, brand refreshes, and sub-brand creations. We can work alone or pair up with your agency or in-house team.
Rebrand Support Header Image

Brands evolve. You need to love your brand, and each element needs to feel right. When it doesn’t, a change may be in order.

Every 3-5 years, it is important to take a holistic look at your brand. At these checkpoints, you should take stock of how the brand is being used, tighten up loose ends, and refresh any stale areas.

These and other situations may trigger a rebranding effort to:

  1. Better differentiate your brand from the competition
  2. Give new life to outdated branding
  3. Outgrow a poor reputation
  4. Keep up with the evolution of your business

Branding versatility

SketchDeck focuses on visual design and branding projects. We have a global team of designers with expertise in many areas, coupled with project managers and quality control specialists to ensure projects stay on track and within budget.

As part of a rebrand or brand clean up/polish, we work through some or all of the following activities:

To SketchDeck or not to SketchDeck?

Who you work with on your rebranding project will depend on the scope of the work and budget. Here’s our recommendations for who to work with:

To SketchDeck or not to SketchDeck?

Needless to say, this is highly subjective – you might have a strong relationship with an existing designer/agency, or the skill and will to do it in-house. Whatever you decide, we’re always here to help!

Teaming up

Even if your rebrand is being led by an agency or in-house team, we can support their efforts with brand application and execution elements.

Updating all of your assets after launching a rebrand (ebooks, sales presentations, templates, blog posts, etc.) takes a lot of time and resources. One of our best feats is delivering this work in a timely and cost-effective manner, freeing your agency or in-house team to focus on flagship projects that will bring even more value to your company.

Here’s an example of how the activities can be shared between SketchDeck and an agency:


  • Brand diagnostic
  • Research
  • Positioning strategy
  • Create the core brand assets
  • Create high level guidelines/brand book


  • Extend the brand book to the long-tail materials you need day-to-day
  • Build out templates for common project types
  • Update materials from the old brand to the new brand

We can also join calls with your agency or internal team to provide thoughts and feedback throughout the brand creation process.

Next steps

If you’re exploring the idea of rebranding your business, let’s talk!

Current members

Reach out to your project manager or account strategist, or email us at

New or adhoc clients

Schedule a call with our branding experts.

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Redefine what’s possible
with SketchDeck.

Related reading

Frequently asked questions
SketchDeck design credits
New User Guide
What to expect during a project
Payment methods
What we need from you to start a project
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