Looking good on Zoom calls (without a ring light)
For a lot of us, work from home is here to stay. While that means we can continue to do laundry all day every day and sneak in afternoon workouts, it also means Zoom calls and LOTS of them. We all wish we could live in a camera-off world, but for those of us who […]
8 principles of good email design
With 3.9 billion daily users, email is a crucial part of any marketing strategy. Marketing emails go far in expanding a company’s consumer base and building brand loyalty. But to do so successfully, emails need to be informative, to the point and impactful–all in just 8 seconds. Content alone cannot be king. That’s where good […]
Find the right design solution for your marketing team
Attendees will learn how to find the right design solutions for their marketing, and overcome the challenges to making great design happen in their organization. Stick around afterwards for a quick Q&A and short demo of SketchDeck.
How to make great slides
Making slides look great is what we’ve been doing since day one. Now more than ever, slides became even more important as most businesses have gone virtual. Slides are often are the visuals representing us before, during and after a meeting. So, let’s kick it off and check a few tips on how to make […]
Panel discussion: Role of design in content marketing
Marketing is changing — it’s moving away from focusing on the four P’s and turning smart marketers into stewards of the holistic customer journey. And with great power, comes great responsibility as the demands for content to support these journeys grow. Branding touch points have become more varied than ever before in history. With this […]
How global enterprises protect their brand with SketchDeck
Why brand protection? Your brand is your identity. It is built from authentic, consistent messaging. There’s more marketing noise today than ever before, making a strong brand essential to building relationships with your customers. Good interactions strengthen your brand, but a single bad interaction can destroy it. Our clients partner with us to make every […]
The ROI of good design
One of the main reasons most companies struggle to keep up with their design demand is the quagmire of calculating the ROI of design. Knowing the ROI from a few hundred bucks spent on designing a single pitch deck presentation to a 9-figure company is both meaningless and unsustainable, giving the false idea that some […]
Scalable design: How to use SketchDeck for growth
The importance of design In this webinar, we’ll show you what might be holding back your efforts to scale design, and how to tackle the challenges you’ll face in individual, team and organizational levels and make sure your brand always looks its best, within budget. Good design is everywhere. Your audience’s design expectations have grown, […]
The design landscape
Small businesses, big corporations, software companies, startups and other ventures all have different design demands. And yet, all struggle with the same reality: everyone needs more design than they think. After all–the more a company grows, the harder it is to keep up with the ever growing demand for on-brand design. Think about it: have you […]